

10:27 Changeset [899b19d] by Danilo <danilo.najkov@…>
reviews full feature


13:13 Changeset [cc4db18] by Danilo <danilo.najkov@…>
reservation module changes + contact module + menu module


11:04 SourceVersionControlOrganizationRevised edited by 206033
10:59 SourceVersionControlOrganizationRevised edited by 206033
10:59 SourceVersionControlOrganizationRevised created by 206033
10:55 ArchitectureRevised edited by 206033
10:55 project2 Deployment diagram.png attached to ArchitectureRevised by 206033
10:54 class1.png attached to ArchitectureRevised by 206033
10:54 ArchitectureRevised created by 206033


11:54 SourceVersionControlOrganization edited by 206033
11:53 WikiStart edited by 206033
11:49 UseCasePrototypeImplementation edited by 206033
11:47 Screenshot2.png attached to UseCasePrototypeImplementation by 206033
11:47 Screenshot1.3.png attached to UseCasePrototypeImplementation by 206033
11:47 Screenshot1.2.png attached to UseCasePrototypeImplementation by 206033
11:45 Screenshot1.png attached to UseCasePrototypeImplementation by 206033
11:44 UseCasePrototypeImplementation created by 206033
11:38 PublicPresentation created by 206033
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.