

  • Everyone


  1. (Optional) The user logs into the system.
  2. The user selects the ‘From destination’ input and chooses a location.
  3. The user selects the ‘To destination’ input and chooses a location.
  4. The user clicks on the ‘Search’ button. 1.1. If routes matching the search criteria exist, they are displayed and can be reviewed.
    • The user may click on a route and view upcoming trips for that route.
    1.2. If no routes match the search criteria, the user is notified accordingly.

The user clicks on the ‘Search’ button

SELECT r.route_id, AS from_location, AS to_location, 
       tr.company_name AS organizer_name
FROM route r
JOIN location l1 ON r.from_location_id = l1.location_id
JOIN location l2 ON r.to_location_id = l2.location_id
JOIN transport_organizer tr ON r.transport_organizer_id = tr.transport_organizer_id
WHERE ILIKE '%from_location%'
  AND ILIKE '%to_location%'
Last modified 6 weeks ago Last modified on 01/12/25 21:45:23
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