Custom Query (6 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Status | Owner | Type | Milestone | Priority |
#77 | Имплементација - Студент врши електронска упата | new | task | M999 - Future Plans | high | |
#78 | Студент прегледува историја на уплаќања | new | task | M999 - Future Plans | high | |
#141 | Дупли податоци за course_enrollment_id, exam_session_id во postal_stamp_sms_payments_for_exam | new | defect | M999 - Future Plans | high | |
#173 | Analyze persistance model, entity by entity, and decide on data that can be encrypted | new | task | M999 - Future Plans | high | |
#175 | Преземање na podatoci od iKnow | new | enhancement request | M999 - Future Plans | high | |
#179 | Rebranding | assigned | task | M011 | high |
See TracQuery
for help on using queries.