Changes between Version 97 and Version 98 of DeveloperInstructions

07/16/14 12:13:46 (11 years ago)
Vangel Ajanovski


  • DeveloperInstructions

    v97 v98  
    172172This will enable a test login to the system, whereas the username is anything you need, and the password is the same as the username.
    174 === Running the application from Eclipse ===
     174=== Create a Run Configuration in Eclipse ===
    176176Run -> Run Configurations  , then in the maven section right click then New, use any Name you like (for example '''start isis'''), Base Directory -> ${workspace_loc:/isis} , Goals -> '''clean jetty:run'''
    187 Click on Run and the application will begin to build.
     187=== Starting the application ===
     189Open the Run Configuration and click on Run and the application will begin to build.
    189191Note that on the first run, Maven will try to download all required libraries for runtime from the Internet and setup the library paths for all dependencies. This can take a very long time if your connection is not fast. On subsequent runs, this will not happen, as Maven only checks for updates. If you want to speed up the process, after everything has been run without problems at least once, you should check the parameter '''Offline''' in the Maven parameters for that run configuration.
    191 If everything is OK you will see in the console log that the system listens on port 8081 (Jetty on 8081)
    193 So open
    194 http://localhost:8081/upisi
    195 in your browser
    197 '''Note:'''
    198 - in in the application folder src/main/resources one should change the line
     193If everything is OK you will see this in the end:
     195[INFO] Started SelectChannelConnector@
     196[INFO] Started Jetty Server
     199This means that the appliation was built successfully and that even the web server started successfully. For testing purposes an internal Jetty web server was downloaded and automatically setup to run on port 8081. This might change in the future.
     201You should inspect the starting logs and find lines starting with ERROR: message. Such messages are important and should be dealt with until there are no such messages. Stop the application via the stop configuration that you have created and fix the problems. Do this until you fix all such errors before continuing. Usually errors at first run can be related to database permission issues.
     203When there are no ERRORS: open http://localhost:8081/upisi in your browser, and log in with any user you wish. As mentioned just put the username in the password again and it will be OK.
     205== Logging ''
     207In in the application folder src/main/resources one should change the line
    199209log4j.appender.R.File=/upisi.log or
    201 or a location where the user running eclipse has write permission and where the logs should reside.
     212or to a location where the user that is running eclipse has write permission and where the logs should reside.
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