Version 17 (modified by 7 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Back to MarketAssessment
1. Introduction
2. Positioning
2.1 Problem Statement
[Provide a statement summarizing the problem being solved by this project. The following format may be used:]
- The problem of: Недостаток на диверзифицирани, ажурни и точни податоци.
- affects: Студенти, професионалци иексперти од различни сфери, компании, фирми, бизниси и институции.
- the impact of which is: Влијае на раличен наќин кај различните споменати заинтересирани страни.
- a successful solution would be: Позитивен резултат од ова решение повлекува олеснато користење на бази за податоци и лесен пристап со информации за нивните перформанси и начини за користење.
2.2 Product Position Statement
[Provide an overall statement summarizing, at the highest level, the unique position the product intends to fill in the marketplace. The following format may be used:]
- For: IT компании, средни и големи бизниси, образовни установи, државни и јавни претпријатија
- Who: од страна на професори на ФИНКИ забележана е потреба за дефинирање на систем од бази на податоци кои што ќе содржат информации за различните бази на податоци што се користат во Р. Македонија, како и тоа кој ги користи, кој ги имплементира, развива и одржува, во кои сфери кој тип на бази се користат, и сите релевантни податоци поврзани со бази на податоци, со цел да се олеснат предавањата и да се упатат студентите во нивното понатамошно учење.
- The Data Base System: Е прва база на податоци која што содржи во себе податоци и дава информации за базите на податоци што ги користат претпријатијата во Р. Македонија
- That: Оваа база на податоци значително ќе го олесни процесот на бирање на изучување и бирање на бази на податоци
- Unlike: До сега никој нема применето вакво решение
- Our product: Ќе дава информации на сите клиенти за постоечките бази на податоци, нивните перформанси, цена и останати карактеристики и ќе служи како помош при избор на база за податоци
[A product position statement communicates the intent of the application and the importance of the project to all concerned personnel.]
3. Stakeholder Descriptions
3.1 Stakeholder Summary
- Suppliers are typically producers of materials, energy, capital, and services.
- Customers are the consumers of product, users of services or other producers.
- Producers are people, company or countries that make, grow, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.
- Government is the system or group of people governing an organized community.
- Investors are people or organizations that put money into financial schemes with the expectations of financial returns.
- Creditors are the banks and suppliers that have provided credit to a company.
- Owners individuals or entities that own business in an attempt to profit from succesfull operations of the company.
- [Name the stakeholder type.]: [Briefly describe the stakeholder.]
- [Summarize the stakeholder’s key responsibilities with regard to the system being developed; that is, their interest as a stakeholder. For example, this stakeholder: ensures that the system will be maintainable, ensures that there will be a market demand for the product’s features, monitors the project’s progress, approves funding, and so forth]
- …
- …
3.2 User Environment
[Detail the working environment of the target user. Here are some suggestions:
Number of people involved in completing the task? Is this changing?
How long is a task cycle? Amount of time spent in each activity? Is this changing?
Any unique environmental constraints: mobile, outdoors, in-flight, and so on?
Which system platforms are in use today? Future platforms?
What other applications are in use? Does your application need to integrate with them?
This is where extracts from the Business Model could be included to outline the task and roles involved, and so on.]
4. Product Overview
4.1 Needs and Features
[Avoid design. Keep feature descriptions at a general level. Focus on capabilities needed and why (not how) they should be implemented. Capture the stakeholder priority and planned release for each feature.]
- Need:
- Priority:
- Features:
- Planned Release:
- …
- …
5. Other Product Requirements
[At a high level, list applicable standards, hardware, or platform requirements; performance requirements; and environmental requirements.
Define the quality ranges for performance, robustness, fault tolerance, usability, and similar characteristics that are not captured in the Feature Set.
Note any design constraints, external constraints, assumptions or other dependencies that, if changed, will alter the Vision document. For example, an assumption may state that a specific operating system will be available for the hardware designated for the software product. If the operating system is not available, the Vision document will need to change.
Define any specific documentation requirements, including user manuals, online help, installation, labeling, and packaging requirements.
Define the priority of these other product requirements. Include, if useful, attributes such as stability, benefit, effort, and risk.]
- Requirement:
- Priority:
- Planned Release:
- …
- …