
Review of OGAMA

OGAMA is an open source product that was developed by researchers. This product takes in eye tracking and mouse tracking data and analyzes it. It is used to quantify and visualize the data. OGAMA is written for Microsoft Windows in C#/.NET in Visual Studio. It stores the data found in SQL Express local data files. The app uses Tobii gaze-tracking systems and another software for mouse tracking.

Below I will provide an experiment that I did using OGAMA and an ordinary web cam.

Testing equipment and enviroment:

Operating system: Windows 10 Pro

Processor: Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-4710HQ CPU @ 2.50 GHz 2.50 GHz

Memory: 8.00 GB RAM

System type: 64-bit Operating system, x64-based processor

Camera: USB2.0 HD UVC WebCam

Pic.1 We create new experiment

Pic.2 Pic. 3 Pic.4 We click on design slideshow and create one

Pic.5 Turning on the Haytham eye-tracker and connecting it with OGAMA

Pic.6 Calibrating with eyes

Pic.7 Creating object from the data gained with 4 points homography

Pic.8 Gaze fixation data gained from eye-tracking of my gaze

Pic.9 Attention map aquired from the object's gaze fixation data

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 06/04/18 21:33:30

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