1 |
2 | import { deleteAppointment, confirmCarriedOut, getUsersByTermExcept, removeRequestAndUpdateUser, removeAppointment, makeReservation ,displayDiv} from './shared.js';
3 | import { verificationCheck } from './authentication-shared.js';
4 |
5 | let loggedPerson;
6 | const modal = document.getElementById('popupModal');
7 | const cancelBtn = document.getElementById('cancelBtn');
8 | const approveBtn = document.getElementById('approveBtn');
9 | const closeSpan = document.querySelector('.close');
10 |
11 | cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
12 | modal.style.display = 'none';
13 | });
14 | closeSpan.addEventListener('click', () => {
15 | modal.style.display = 'none';
16 | });
17 |
18 | function createAppointmentInfoField(selectedValue){
19 | const tableBody = document.getElementById("active-table");
20 | tableBody.innerHTML='';
21 | let dates;
22 | if(selectedValue==='not-completed'){
23 | dates=loggedPerson.dates;
24 | }
25 | else if(selectedValue==='completed'){
26 | dates=loggedPerson.carriedOut;
27 | }
28 | dates.forEach(date => {
29 | let row = document.createElement("tr");
30 | let tdTerm = document.createElement("td");
31 | tdTerm.innerText = date.dateTime.replace('T', ' ').substring(0, 16);
32 | let tdTemp1 = document.createElement("td");
33 | let tdTemp2 = document.createElement("td");
34 | if(selectedValue==='not-completed'){
35 | tdTemp1.innerText = date.note;
36 | switch(date.status){
37 | case "rejected":
38 | tdTemp2.innerText = "Одбиен предлог(админ)";
39 | break;
40 | case "cancelledRequest":
41 | tdTemp2.innerText = "Одбиен предлог(корисник)";
42 | break;
43 | case "cancelledAppointmentByUser":
44 | tdTemp2.innerText = "Откажан термин(корисник)";
45 | break;
46 | case "cancelledAppointmentByAdmin":
47 | tdTemp2.innerText = "Откажан термин(админ)";
48 | break;
49 | default:
50 | console.log("Problem with status");
51 | break;
52 | }
53 |
54 | }
55 | else{
56 | tdTemp1.innerText = date.userNote;
57 | tdTemp2.innerText = date.adminNote;
58 | }
59 | row.appendChild(tdTerm);
60 | row.appendChild(tdTemp1);
61 | row.appendChild(tdTemp2);
62 | tableBody.appendChild(row);
63 | });
64 | }
65 | function countStatus(user, status) {
66 | let counter=0;
67 | if(status!=="carried_out"){
68 | counter= user.dates.filter(appointment => appointment.status === status).length;
69 | }
70 | else{
71 | counter= user.carriedOut.length;
72 | }
73 | console.log(counter);
74 | return counter;
75 | }
76 | function createHeader(headersArray){
77 | const tableHead=document.getElementById("active-tableHead");
78 | tableHead.innerHTML='';
79 | const headerRow = document.createElement('tr');
80 |
81 | headersArray.forEach(headerText => {
82 | const th = document.createElement('th');
83 | th.textContent = headerText;
84 | headerRow.appendChild(th);
85 | });
86 |
87 | tableHead.appendChild(headerRow);
88 | }
89 |
90 | async function getAll(url) {
91 | const tableBody = document.getElementById("active-table");
92 | const response = await fetch(url);
93 | if (!response.ok) {
94 | throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
95 | }
96 |
97 | const data = await response.json();
98 | tableBody.innerHTML = '';
99 | data.forEach(request => {
100 | const row = document.createElement('tr');
101 | const termCell = document.createElement('td');
102 | termCell.textContent = request.term.replace('T', ' ').substring(0, 16);
103 | row.appendChild(termCell);
104 | const additionalInfoCell = document.createElement('td');
105 | additionalInfoCell.textContent = request.additionalInfo;
106 | row.appendChild(additionalInfoCell);
107 |
108 | const button1 = document.createElement('button');
109 | const button2 = document.createElement('button');
110 | const buttonCell = document.createElement('td');
111 | if(url.includes("requests")){
112 | button1.textContent = "Прифати";
113 | button1.addEventListener('click', () => displayDiv(request.term, loggedPerson.username));
114 | buttonCell.appendChild(button1);
115 | button2.textContent = "Одбиј";
116 | button2.addEventListener('click',()=>removeRequestAndUpdateUser(request.term,loggedPerson.id,"rejected"));
117 | buttonCell.appendChild(button2);
118 | }
119 | else{
120 | button1.textContent = "Откажи";
121 | button1.addEventListener('click',()=> removeAppointment(request.term,"cancelledAppointmentByAdmin"));
122 | buttonCell.appendChild(button1);
123 | button2.textContent = "Потврди одржан";
124 | button2.addEventListener('click',()=>
125 | function(){
126 | modal.style.display='flex';
127 | approveBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
128 | const userInput = document.getElementById('userInput').value;
129 | confirmCarriedOut(request.term,userInput);
130 | modal.style.display = 'none'; // Close the modal after approval
131 | });
132 | });
133 | buttonCell.appendChild(button2);
134 | }
135 |
136 | row.appendChild(buttonCell);
137 | tableBody.appendChild(row);
138 | });
139 |
140 | }
141 | function createRowsBasedOnType(){
142 | let url;
143 | let tHeadArray=["Термин","Медицинска состојба", "Статус"];
144 | const dropdown = document.getElementById('statusDropdown');
145 | const selectedValue = dropdown.value;
146 | if(selectedValue==="requests"){
147 | url=`/api/requests/listAll?username=${loggedPerson.username}`;
148 | tHeadArray=["Термин", "Опции"];
149 | createHeader(tHeadArray);
150 | getAll(url);
151 | }
152 | else if(selectedValue==="appointments"){
153 | let testTemp="RESERVED";
154 | url=`/api/appointments/listAll?username=${loggedPerson.username}&status=${testTemp}`;
155 | tHeadArray=["Термин", "Опции"];
156 | createHeader(tHeadArray);
157 | getAll(url);
158 | }
159 | else if(selectedValue==="not-completed"){
160 | createHeader(tHeadArray);
161 | createAppointmentInfoField(selectedValue);
162 | }
163 | else if(selectedValue==="completed"){
164 | tHeadArray=["Термин","Забелешка-клиент", "Забелешка-терапевт"];
165 | createHeader(tHeadArray);
166 | createAppointmentInfoField(selectedValue);
167 | }
168 |
169 | dropdown.selectedIndex = 0;
170 | }
171 | async function createAdminInfoField(user) {
172 | document.getElementById("carried-out").innerText = countStatus(user, "carried_out").toString();
173 | document.getElementById("rejected").innerText = countStatus(user, "rejected").toString();
174 | document.getElementById("cancelledReqByUser").innerText = countStatus(user, "cancelledRequest").toString();
175 | document.getElementById("cancelledAppByUser").innerText = countStatus(user, "cancelledAppointmentByUser").toString();
176 | document.getElementById("cancelledAppByAdmin").innerText = countStatus(user, "cancelledAppointmentByAdmin").toString();
177 | }
178 | function updateButtonText(isBlocked) {
179 | const button = document.getElementById('block-account');
180 | button.innerText = isBlocked ? "Активирај к.сметка" : "Блокирај к.сметка";
181 | }
182 | function fetchUserData(username,role) {
183 | return fetch(`/api/users/editUser?username=${username}`)
184 | .then(response => {
185 | console.log('Response:', response);
186 | return response.json()})
187 | .then(data => {
188 | loggedPerson=data;
189 | document.querySelector('input[name="username"]').value = data.username || '';
190 | document.querySelector('input[name="firstName"]').value = data.name || '';
191 | document.querySelector('input[name="lastName"]').value = data.surname || '';
192 | document.querySelector('input[name="phone"]').value = data.phone || '';
193 | document.querySelector('input[name="age"]').value = data.dateBirth || '';
194 | if(role==='ADMIN'){
195 | createAdminInfoField(data);
196 | let blockedButton=document.getElementById("block-account");
197 | blockedButton.style.display='block';
198 | fetch(`/api/users/blockedStatus?username=${username}`)
199 | .then(response => response.json())
200 | .then(data => {
201 | updateButtonText(data.isBlocked);
202 | })
203 | .catch(error => {
204 | console.error('Error fetching user status:', error);
205 | });
206 | blockedButton.addEventListener('click',()=>{
207 | fetch(`/api/users/toggleBlock?username=${username}`, {
208 | method: 'PUT',
209 | headers: {
210 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
211 | }
212 | })
213 | .then(response => response.json())
214 | .then(data=>{
215 | if (data.message === "User status updated") {
216 | const currentText = document.getElementById('block-account').innerText;
217 | updateButtonText(currentText === "Блокирај к.сметка");
218 | } else {
219 | console.error('Error updating user status:', data.message);
220 | }
221 | })
222 | .catch(error => {
223 | console.error('Error:', error);
224 | });
225 | });
226 | }
227 |
228 | return { name: data.name, surname: data.surname };
229 | })
230 | .catch(error => {
231 | console.error('Error fetching user data:', error);
232 | return { name: '', surname: '' }; // return empty values on error
233 | });
234 | }
235 | function updateCookieUsername(newUsername) {
236 | document.cookie = `username=${newUsername}; path=/;`;
237 | }
238 |
239 |
240 | function getCookie(name) {
241 | const nameEQ = name + "=";
242 | console.log(document.cookie);
243 | const cookiesArray = document.cookie.split(';');
244 | for (let i = 0; i < cookiesArray.length; i++) {
245 | let cookie = cookiesArray[i].trim();
246 | if (cookie.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0)
247 | console.log(cookie.split("=")[1])
248 | return cookie.split("=")[1];
249 | }
250 | return null;
251 | }
252 | function updateProfile() {
253 | const params=getQueryParams();
254 | const username = params.param2;
255 | const role=params.param1;
256 | if(username && role==='ADMIN'){
257 | fetchUserData(username,"ADMIN").then(r => {
258 | console.log("success from admin")
259 | document.getElementById("adminInfo-block").style.display='block';
260 | })
261 | }
262 | else{
263 |
264 | document.getElementById("edit-profile").style.display='none';
265 | document.getElementById("saveChanges").style.display='none';
266 | const cookieUsername = getCookie('username');
267 | if (cookieUsername) {
268 | fetchUserData(cookieUsername,"USER").then(userData => {
269 | const fullName = `${userData.name} ${userData.surname}`;
270 | document.getElementById('cookie-name').innerHTML = fullName;
271 | });
272 | } else {
273 | document.getElementById('cookie-name').textContent = 'Default Name';
274 | }
275 | }
276 | }
277 | function saveProfileChanges() {
278 | const userName = document.querySelector('input[name="username"]').value;
279 | console.log(userName);
280 | const updatedData = {
281 | username: userName,
282 | name: document.querySelector('input[name="firstName"]').value,
283 | surname: document.querySelector('input[name="lastName"]').value,
284 | phone: document.querySelector('input[name="phone"]').value,
285 | age: document.querySelector('input[name="age"]').value
286 | };
287 | if(!verificationCheck(updatedData)){
288 | return;
289 | }
290 |
291 | fetch(`/api/users/updateUser`, {
292 | method: 'POST',
293 | headers: {
294 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
295 | },
296 | body: JSON.stringify(updatedData)
297 | })
298 | .then(response => console.log(response.json()))
299 | .then(data => {
300 | alert('Profile updated successfully!');
301 | toggleEditing(false); // Disable fields after saving changes
302 | updateCookieUsername(userName);
303 | })
304 | .catch(error => {
305 | console.error('Error updating user data:', error);
306 | });
307 | }
308 | function getQueryParams() {
309 | const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
310 | return {
311 | param1: params.get('param1'),
312 | param2: params.get('param2')
313 | };
314 | }
315 |
316 | function toggleEditing(isEnabled) {
317 | const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input');
318 | inputs.forEach(input => {
319 | input.disabled = !isEnabled;
320 | });
321 | }
322 |
323 | window.onload = function(){
324 | updateProfile();
325 | toggleEditing(false);
326 | document.getElementById('edit-profile').addEventListener('click', function() {
327 | const role=getQueryParams();
328 | if(role.param1 ==='ADMIN')
329 | toggleEditing(true);
330 | });
331 | document.getElementById('saveChanges').addEventListener('click', saveProfileChanges);
332 | document.getElementById("statusDropdown").addEventListener('change',createRowsBasedOnType);
333 |
334 | } |