1 | function deleteEntry(url,term,separator) {
2 | fetch(url)
3 | .then(response => response.json())
4 | .then(data => {
5 | if (data.success) {
6 | let retrievedData=data.data;
7 | let idto=retrievedData.split("&")[1];
8 | let infoto=retrievedData.split("&")[0];
9 |
10 | let statusField;
11 | if(separator==='request'){
12 | statusField="cancelledRequest";
13 | }
14 | else if(separator==='appointment'){
15 |
16 | statusField="cancelledAppointmentByUser";
17 | }
18 | const updateResponse = fetch(`/api/users/addTerm`, {
19 | method: 'PUT',
20 | headers: {
21 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
22 | },
23 | body: JSON.stringify({
24 | userId: idto,
25 | term: term,
26 | additionalInfo: infoto,
27 | status: statusField
28 | }),
29 | });
30 |
31 | if (updateResponse.ok) {
32 | console.log(`User updated successfully.`);
33 | } else {
34 | console.error(`Failed to update user. Status: ${updateResponse.status} - ${updateResponse.statusText}`);
35 | }
36 | location.reload();
37 | } else {
38 | alert('Failed to cancel the reservation.');
39 | }
40 | })
41 | .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
42 | }
43 |
44 |
45 | function cancelForm(type,data){
46 | let tempTerm=data[0].term;
47 | const overlay = document.createElement('div');
48 | overlay.setAttribute("id","popup");
49 | const dialog = document.createElement('div');
50 | dialog.setAttribute("id","dialogPopUp");
51 | const message = document.createElement('p');
52 | message.textContent = 'Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да откажете?';
53 | dialog.appendChild(message);
54 | const yesButton = document.createElement('button');
55 | yesButton.textContent = 'Yes';
56 | yesButton.style.marginRight = '10px';
57 | yesButton.classList.add('btn', 'btn-danger');
58 |
59 | const noButton = document.createElement('button');
60 | noButton.textContent = 'No';
61 | noButton.classList.add('btn', 'btn-secondary');
62 | dialog.appendChild(yesButton);
63 | dialog.appendChild(noButton);
64 |
65 | overlay.appendChild(dialog);
66 |
67 | document.body.appendChild(overlay);
68 |
69 | yesButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
70 |
71 | let url;
72 | let separator;
73 | if (type === 'request') {
74 | url = `/api/requests/cancelReservation?username=${username}&term=${tempTerm}`;
75 | separator="request";
76 | } else if (type === 'appointment') {
77 | url = `/api/appointments/cancelAppointment?username=${username}&term=${tempTerm}`;
78 | separator="appointment";
79 | }
80 | deleteEntry(url,tempTerm,separator);
81 | document.body.removeChild(overlay);
82 | });
83 |
84 | noButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
85 | document.body.removeChild(overlay);
86 | });
87 | }
88 | function replaceWithSpace(dateTimeString) {
89 | return dateTimeString.replace('T', ' ');
90 | }
91 |
92 | function getCookieValue(name) {
93 | const value = `; ${document.cookie}`;
94 | const parts = value.split(`; ${name}=`);
95 | if (parts.length === 2) return parts.pop().split(';').shift();
96 | }
97 |
98 | const username = getCookieValue('username');
99 | function displayRequestsInTable(requests,buttonsConfig) {
100 | const tableBody = document.getElementById('requestsTableBody');
101 | tableBody.innerHTML = '';
102 | toggleHead();
103 | requests.forEach(request => {
104 | const row = document.createElement('tr');
105 | const termCell = document.createElement('td');
106 | termCell.textContent = replaceWithSpace(request.term);
107 | row.appendChild(termCell);
108 | const nameCell = document.createElement('td');
109 | nameCell.textContent = request.name;
110 | row.appendChild(nameCell);
111 | const surnameCell = document.createElement('td');
112 | surnameCell.textContent = request.surname;
113 | row.appendChild(surnameCell);
114 | const couponCodeCell = document.createElement('td');
115 | couponCodeCell.textContent = request.couponCode;
116 | row.appendChild(couponCodeCell);
117 | const additionalInfoCell = document.createElement('td');
118 | additionalInfoCell.textContent = request.additionalInfo;
119 | row.appendChild(additionalInfoCell);
120 | const usernameCell = document.createElement('td');
121 | usernameCell.textContent = request.username;
122 | row.appendChild(usernameCell);
123 | const buttonCell = document.createElement('td');
124 |
125 | buttonsConfig.forEach(config => {
126 | const button = document.createElement('button');
127 | button.textContent = config.text;
128 | button.classList.add('btn', config.className);
129 | button.addEventListener('click', config.handler);
130 | buttonCell.appendChild(button);
131 | });
132 |
133 | row.appendChild(buttonCell);
134 | tableBody.appendChild(row);
135 | });
136 | }
137 | function toggleHead(data){
138 | const thead = document.getElementById('table-head');
139 | const oldHead = document.getElementById('initial-head');
140 | if (thead) {
141 | thead.innerHTML = '';
142 | }
143 | let newColumns;
144 | if(data==='carried_out'){
145 | newColumns = ['Термин', 'Feedback-корисник', 'Feedback-терапевт', 'Статус'];
146 | }
147 | else{
148 | newColumns = ['Термин', 'Име', 'Презиме', 'Купон','Дополнителни информации','Корисник','Откажи'];
149 | }
150 | const newHeadRow = document.createElement('tr');
151 |
152 | newColumns.forEach(columnText => {
153 | const th = document.createElement('th');
154 | th.textContent = columnText;
155 | newHeadRow.appendChild(th);
156 | });
157 | thead.appendChild(newHeadRow);
158 | }
159 | function displayCarriedOutInTable(data){
160 | const tableBody = document.getElementById('requestsTableBody');
161 | tableBody.innerHTML = '';
162 | toggleHead("carried_out");
163 | data.forEach(request => {
164 | const row = document.createElement('tr');
165 | const termCell = document.createElement('td');
166 | termCell.textContent = replaceWithSpace(request.dateTime);
167 | row.appendChild(termCell);
168 | const userCell = document.createElement('td');
169 | userCell.textContent = request.userNote;
170 | row.appendChild(userCell);
171 | const adminCell = document.createElement('td');
172 | adminCell.textContent = request.adminNote;
173 | row.appendChild(adminCell);
174 | const statusCell = document.createElement('td');
175 | statusCell.textContent = request.status;
176 | row.appendChild(statusCell);
177 | tableBody.appendChild(row);
178 | });
179 | }
180 | function handleRequestedClick(){
181 | fetch(`/api/requests/listAll?username=${username}`)
182 | .then(response => response.json())
183 | .then(data => {
184 | console.log('Success:', data);
185 | displayRequestsInTable(data,[
186 | {
187 | text: 'Откажи',
188 | className: 'btn-danger',
189 | handler: () => cancelForm("request",data)
190 | }
191 | ]);
192 | })
193 | .catch(error => {
194 | console.error('Error:', error);
195 | });
196 | }
197 | function handleReservedClick(){
198 | fetch(`/api/appointments/listAll?username=${username}&status=RESERVED`)
199 | .then(response => response.json())
200 | .then(data => {
201 | console.log('Success:', data);
202 | displayRequestsInTable(data,[
203 | {
204 | text: 'Откажи',
205 | className: 'btn-danger',
206 | handler: () => cancelForm("appointment",data)
207 | }
208 | ]);
209 | })
210 | .catch(error => {
211 | console.error('Error:', error);
212 | });
213 | }
214 | function handleCarriedOutClick(){
215 | fetch(`/api/users/listAllCarriedOut?username=${username}`)
216 | .then(response => response.json())
217 | .then(data => {
218 | displayCarriedOutInTable(data);
219 | })
220 | .catch(error => {
221 | console.error('Error:', error);
222 | });
223 | }
224 |
225 |
226 | document.getElementById('requested').addEventListener('click', handleRequestedClick);
227 | document.getElementById('reserved').addEventListener('click', handleReservedClick);
228 | document.getElementById('carried-out').addEventListener('click', handleCarriedOutClick); |