

11:23 WikiStart edited by 211012
11:19 ArchitectureInitial edited by 211012
11:19 tmf.jpg attached to ArchitectureInitial by 211012
10:36 UseCasePrototypeImplementation edited by 211012
10:21 UseCaseScenarios edited by 211012
08:18 UseCaseScenarios edited by 211012


18:04 UseCaseScenarios edited by 211012
10:47 UseCaseScenarios edited by 211012


11:34 ArchitectureRevised edited by 211012
11:34 tourMate_razvoen.jpg attached to ArchitectureRevised by 211012
11:34 ArchitectureInitial edited by 211012
11:33 tourMate_razvoen.jpg attached to ArchitectureInitial by 211012
11:33 tourMate_razvoen.jpg attached to WikiStart by 211012


14:39 WikiStart edited by 211012
14:39 FinalPublicPresentation created by 211012


18:38 UseCaseImplementationsFinal edited by 211012
18:37 WikiStart edited by 211012
18:35 Changeset [efaa053]master by darsov2 <62809499+darsov2@…>
mailjobs impl
18:25 UseCaseImplementationsFinal edited by 211012
18:05 UseCaseImplementationsFinal edited by 211012
17:56 UseCaseImplementationsFinal edited by 211012
17:51 connect_acc.png attached to UseCaseImplementationsFinal by 211012
17:49 UseCaseImplementationsFinal edited by 211012
17:33 new_login.png attached to UseCaseImplementationsFinal by 211012
17:26 UseCaseImplementationsFinal created by 211012
17:12 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211012
17:10 WikiStart edited by 211012
17:09 WikiStart edited by 211012
17:07 ArchitectureRevised edited by 211012
17:07 business.jpg attached to ArchitectureRevised by 211012
17:06 ArchitectureRevised edited by 211012
17:06 business-min.png attached to ArchitectureRevised by 211012
17:01 ArchitectureRevised edited by 211012
16:57 Changeset [0f5aa27] by darsov2 <62809499+darsov2@…>
ouath, mailing impl
14:45 RIT.drawio.png attached to ArchitectureRevised by 211036
14:45 ArchitectureRevised created by 211036
14:42 ArchitectureInitial edited by 211036
14:41 It_class.drawio.png attached to ArchitectureInitial by 211036
14:41 RIT.drawio.png attached to ArchitectureInitial by 211036
14:31 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211012
14:03 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211012
13:59 prev_res-min.png attached to UseCaseImplementations by 211012
13:58 review_entry.png attached to UseCaseImplementations by 211012
13:57 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211012
13:52 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211012
13:30 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211012
01:39 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211255
00:39 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211255
00:35 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211255
00:14 RestaurantTableEdit.png attached to UseCaseImplementations by 211255
00:12 UseCaseImplementations edited by 211255
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.