

Податочни побарувања


Customers: Defines all the customers that want to rent a vehicle (Primary key: EMBG - chosen because it is unique for every customer.)

Vehicles: Defines all information regarding the vehicles. (Primary key: VIN- unique for every vehicle.)

Vehicle types: Defines the types of vehicles. (Primary key: ID- chosen because it's more readable than placing multiple attributes as an entity.)

Payments: Defines the payment details of the customers. (Primary key: payment Id- chosen because it is unique for every payment.)

Bookings: Defines the booking details. (Primary key: Booking id- chosen because it is unique for every booking.)

Employees: Defines the employees that work at the company.

Managers: Defines the managers that manage the employees

Shifts: Defines the shifts that the employees work in.


Customers: EMBG(varchar), Email(varchar), Firstname(varchar), Lastname(varchar), Phone_number(varchar), Address(varchar), Id_number(varchar).

Vehicles: VIN(varchar), Registration_number(varchar), Brand_name(varchar), Fuel_type(varchar), Transmission_type(varchar), Number_doors(int), Number_seats(int), Mileage(int), Vehicle_types_id(int).

Vehicle types: Id(int), Name(varchar).

Payments: Payment_id(int), Booking_id(int), Total_amount(int), Date(date), Advance_amount(int).

Bookings: Booking_id(int), Number_Installments(int), Vehicle_vin(varchar), Embg(varchar) Status(varchar), Amount(int), Date(date).

Employees: EMBG(varchar), Email(varchar), Name(varchar), Surname(varchar), Phone_number(varchar) Address(varchar), Date_employed(date), Manager_id(int)

Managers: Id(int), From(date), To(date).

Shifts: Id(int), From(date), To(date), Name(varchar).


XML фајл кон ЕР Модел

JPG фајл кон ЕР Модел


V1: Created initial ER Diagram based on the project description.
V2: Bolded keywords.
V3: Added project information.
V4: Added new lines to project.
V5: Expanded ER Diagram.
V6: Changed relationship with managers and employees.
V7: Redesigned the wiki pages according to suggestions made by the professor.
V8: Slight changes to the attributes.
V9: Added links to the files.
V10: Made a slight change to the ER Model.

Last modified 5 months ago Last modified on 01/04/24 17:41:35

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