1 | {
2 | "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
3 | "$id": "BuildAngularWebpackServerSchema",
4 | "title": "Universal Target",
5 | "type": "object",
6 | "properties": {
7 | "main": {
8 | "type": "string",
9 | "description": "The name of the main entry-point file."
10 | },
11 | "tsConfig": {
12 | "type": "string",
13 | "default": "tsconfig.app.json",
14 | "description": "The name of the TypeScript configuration file."
15 | },
16 | "inlineStyleLanguage": {
17 | "description": "The stylesheet language to use for the application's inline component styles.",
18 | "type": "string",
19 | "default": "css",
20 | "enum": ["css", "less", "sass", "scss"]
21 | },
22 | "stylePreprocessorOptions": {
23 | "description": "Options to pass to style preprocessors",
24 | "type": "object",
25 | "properties": {
26 | "includePaths": {
27 | "description": "Paths to include. Paths will be resolved to workspace root.",
28 | "type": "array",
29 | "items": {
30 | "type": "string"
31 | },
32 | "default": []
33 | }
34 | },
35 | "additionalProperties": false
36 | },
37 | "optimization": {
38 | "description": "Enables optimization of the build output. Including minification of scripts and styles, tree-shaking and dead-code elimination. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#optimization-configuration.",
39 | "x-user-analytics": 16,
40 | "default": true,
41 | "oneOf": [
42 | {
43 | "type": "object",
44 | "properties": {
45 | "scripts": {
46 | "type": "boolean",
47 | "description": "Enables optimization of the scripts output.",
48 | "default": true
49 | },
50 | "styles": {
51 | "type": "boolean",
52 | "description": "Enables optimization of the styles output.",
53 | "default": true
54 | }
55 | },
56 | "additionalProperties": false
57 | },
58 | {
59 | "type": "boolean"
60 | }
61 | ]
62 | },
63 | "fileReplacements": {
64 | "description": "Replace compilation source files with other compilation source files in the build.",
65 | "type": "array",
66 | "items": {
67 | "$ref": "#/definitions/fileReplacement"
68 | },
69 | "default": []
70 | },
71 | "outputPath": {
72 | "type": "string",
73 | "description": "Path where output will be placed."
74 | },
75 | "resourcesOutputPath": {
76 | "type": "string",
77 | "description": "The path where style resources will be placed, relative to outputPath.",
78 | "default": ""
79 | },
80 | "sourceMap": {
81 | "description": "Output source maps for scripts and styles. For more information, see https://angular.io/guide/workspace-config#source-map-configuration.",
82 | "default": false,
83 | "oneOf": [
84 | {
85 | "type": "object",
86 | "properties": {
87 | "scripts": {
88 | "type": "boolean",
89 | "description": "Output source maps for all scripts.",
90 | "default": true
91 | },
92 | "styles": {
93 | "type": "boolean",
94 | "description": "Output source maps for all styles.",
95 | "default": true
96 | },
97 | "hidden": {
98 | "type": "boolean",
99 | "description": "Output source maps used for error reporting tools.",
100 | "default": false
101 | },
102 | "vendor": {
103 | "type": "boolean",
104 | "description": "Resolve vendor packages source maps.",
105 | "default": false
106 | }
107 | },
108 | "additionalProperties": false
109 | },
110 | {
111 | "type": "boolean"
112 | }
113 | ]
114 | },
115 | "deployUrl": {
116 | "type": "string",
117 | "description": "URL where files will be deployed."
118 | },
119 | "verbose": {
120 | "type": "boolean",
121 | "description": "Adds more details to output logging.",
122 | "default": false
123 | },
124 | "progress": {
125 | "type": "boolean",
126 | "description": "Log progress to the console while building.",
127 | "default": true
128 | },
129 | "i18nMissingTranslation": {
130 | "type": "string",
131 | "description": "How to handle missing translations for i18n.",
132 | "enum": ["warning", "error", "ignore"],
133 | "default": "warning"
134 | },
135 | "localize": {
136 | "description": "Translate the bundles in one or more locales.",
137 | "oneOf": [
138 | {
139 | "type": "boolean",
140 | "description": "Translate all locales."
141 | },
142 | {
143 | "type": "array",
144 | "description": "List of locales ID's to translate.",
145 | "minItems": 1,
146 | "items": {
147 | "type": "string",
148 | "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(-[a-zA-Z]{4})?(-([a-zA-Z]{2}|[0-9]{3}))?(-[a-zA-Z]{5,8})?(-x(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})+)?$"
149 | }
150 | }
151 | ]
152 | },
153 | "outputHashing": {
154 | "type": "string",
155 | "description": "Define the output filename cache-busting hashing mode.",
156 | "default": "none",
157 | "enum": ["none", "all", "media", "bundles"]
158 | },
159 | "deleteOutputPath": {
160 | "type": "boolean",
161 | "description": "Delete the output path before building.",
162 | "default": true
163 | },
164 | "preserveSymlinks": {
165 | "type": "boolean",
166 | "description": "Do not use the real path when resolving modules. If unset then will default to `true` if NodeJS option --preserve-symlinks is set."
167 | },
168 | "extractLicenses": {
169 | "type": "boolean",
170 | "description": "Extract all licenses in a separate file, in the case of production builds only.",
171 | "default": true
172 | },
173 | "showCircularDependencies": {
174 | "type": "boolean",
175 | "description": "Show circular dependency warnings on builds.",
176 | "default": false,
177 | "x-deprecated": "The recommended method to detect circular dependencies in project code is to use either a lint rule or other external tooling."
178 | },
179 | "namedChunks": {
180 | "type": "boolean",
181 | "description": "Use file name for lazy loaded chunks.",
182 | "default": false
183 | },
184 | "bundleDependencies": {
185 | "description": "Which external dependencies to bundle into the bundle. By default, all of node_modules will be bundled.",
186 | "default": true,
187 | "oneOf": [
188 | {
189 | "type": "boolean"
190 | },
191 | {
192 | "type": "string",
193 | "enum": ["none", "all"]
194 | }
195 | ]
196 | },
197 | "externalDependencies": {
198 | "description": "Exclude the listed external dependencies from being bundled into the bundle. Instead, the created bundle relies on these dependencies to be available during runtime.",
199 | "type": "array",
200 | "items": {
201 | "type": "string"
202 | },
203 | "default": []
204 | },
205 | "statsJson": {
206 | "type": "boolean",
207 | "description": "Generates a 'stats.json' file which can be analyzed using tools such as 'webpack-bundle-analyzer'.",
208 | "default": false
209 | },
210 | "watch": {
211 | "type": "boolean",
212 | "description": "Run build when files change.",
213 | "default": false
214 | },
215 | "poll": {
216 | "type": "number",
217 | "description": "Enable and define the file watching poll time period in milliseconds."
218 | }
219 | },
220 | "additionalProperties": false,
221 | "required": ["outputPath", "main", "tsConfig"],
222 | "definitions": {
223 | "fileReplacement": {
224 | "oneOf": [
225 | {
226 | "type": "object",
227 | "properties": {
228 | "src": {
229 | "type": "string",
230 | "pattern": "\\.(([cm]?j|t)sx?|json)$"
231 | },
232 | "replaceWith": {
233 | "type": "string",
234 | "pattern": "\\.(([cm]?j|t)sx?|json)$"
235 | }
236 | },
237 | "additionalProperties": false,
238 | "required": ["src", "replaceWith"]
239 | },
240 | {
241 | "type": "object",
242 | "properties": {
243 | "replace": {
244 | "type": "string",
245 | "pattern": "\\.(([cm]?j|t)sx?|json)$"
246 | },
247 | "with": {
248 | "type": "string",
249 | "pattern": "\\.(([cm]?j|t)sx?|json)$"
250 | }
251 | },
252 | "additionalProperties": false,
253 | "required": ["replace", "with"]
254 | }
255 | ]
256 | }
257 | }
258 | }