38 | | [Detail the working environment of the target user. Here are some suggestions: |
39 | | Number of people involved in completing the task? Is this changing? |
40 | | How long is a task cycle? Amount of time spent in each activity? Is this changing? |
41 | | Any unique environmental constraints: mobile, outdoors, in-flight, and so on? |
42 | | Which system platforms are in use today? Future platforms? |
43 | | What other applications are in use? Does your application need to integrate with them? |
44 | | This is where extracts from the Business Model could be included to outline the task and roles involved, and so on.] |
| 38 | Апликацијата има едноставен интерфејс и е достапна на секој уред со интернет конекција и веб прелистувач, вклучително мобилни телефони, таблети и компјутери. Ова овозможува лесен пристап до неа од било каде и во секое време. |