Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of conceptual-model

02/13/25 19:15:16 (9 days ago)



  • conceptual-model

    v2 v3  
    2828  - `Description`
    30 - **Reputation**: Tracks character reputation with different factions.
    31   - `CharacterID` (Foreign Key → Character)
    32   - `FactionID` (Foreign Key → Faction)
    33   - `ReputationPoints`
    34   - `Rank`
    3630- **Quest**: Missions that characters can complete.
    3731  - `QuestID` (Primary Key)
    6054  - `Type`
    62 - **Market**: A system where players can list and sell items.
     56- **Market**: A system where players can list items for sale.
    6357  - `MarketID` (Primary Key)
    6458  - `ItemID` (Foreign Key → Item)
    7165  - `LeaderID` (Foreign Key → Player)
    73 == Relations ==
     67=== Relations ===
     68Below are the key relationships between entities:
    75 === 1-1 Relations ===
    76 - `Guild.LeaderID` → `Player.PlayerID`: A guild has a single leader, who is a player.
     70- **Lists** (Market, Character, Item): 
     71  The Market entity represents a listing relationship where a Character lists an Item for sale. 
     72  *Cardinality*: One Character may list many Items via Market; each Market listing is associated with one Item.
    78 === 1-N Relations ===
    79 - `Character.PlayerID` → `Player.PlayerID`: A player can have multiple characters.
    80 - `Character.FactionID` → `Faction.FactionID`: A character belongs to one faction.
    81 - `Market.SellerID` → `Player.PlayerID`: A player can list multiple items on the market.
     74- **Drops** (Enemy, Item): 
     75  An Enemy drops one or more Items. 
     76  *Cardinality*: An Enemy can drop multiple Items; an Item may be dropped by multiple Enemies.
    83 === N-N Relations ===
    84 - `Reputation (CharacterID, FactionID)`: A character can have reputation with multiple factions, and factions can have multiple characters.
    85 - `Character_Quest (CharacterID, QuestID)`: A character can accept multiple quests, and quests can be taken by multiple characters.
    86 - `Character_Item (CharacterID, ItemID)`: A character can own multiple items, and items can belong to multiple characters.
    87 - `Enemy_Item (EnemyID, ItemID)`: Enemies can drop multiple items, and items can be dropped by multiple enemies.
    88 - `Trader_Item (TraderID, ItemID)`: Traders can sell multiple items, and items can be sold by multiple traders.
    89 - `Character_Guild (CharacterID, GuildID)`: A character can join a guild, and a guild can have multiple members.
     78- **Sells** (Trader, Item): 
     79  A Trader sells one or more Items. 
     80  *Cardinality*: A Trader can sell many Items; an Item can be sold by multiple Traders.
    91 ----
     82- **ReputationIn** (Faction, Character): 
     83  This relationship captures a Character’s reputation within a Faction, with attributes such as `ReputationPoints` and `Rank`. 
     84  *Cardinality*: A Character can have reputation in multiple Factions; a Faction can record reputation for multiple Characters.
     86- **Completes** (Quest, Character): 
     87  A Character can complete one or more Quests. 
     88  *Cardinality*: A Character may complete many Quests; a Quest can be completed by multiple Characters.
     90- **Owns** (Player, Character): 
     91  A Player owns one or more Characters. 
     92  *Cardinality*: One Player may own many Characters, while each Character is owned by a single Player.
     94- **IsMember** (Guild, Character): 
     95  This membership relationship indicates that a Character is a member of a Guild. 
     96  *Cardinality*: A Character can be a member of multiple Guilds; a Guild can have many Characters as members.