Opened 11 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
#12 closed enhancement (fixed)
Description of software (first form Patient)
Reported-by: | 139037 | Owned by: | somebody |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | |
Component: | component1 | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
This form is the first step of all other forms because in this form the patient is saving with all information and if the user won’t to search the patient information it can be searched from this part, this form has search button, refresh button and addPatient button.
The search button is used for searching the patient, refresh button is used if the new information that is add doesn’t appear in grid table, and add Patient is used for adding new patient, if administrator click in addPatinet
In this form the user has to write the patientID, name, surname, age and all there information about the new patient to have them in electronic way not in hard copy. This form I think is more important than the other form because it gives to administrator easy work, till now they have the patient information saved in hard copy but with this application they will have all patient in electronic way and this will help them to find the patient information easily.
If the administrator leaves any textbox empty the message ex:"pleas enter first name " will appear and the leaved textboxes will automatically change their color
The other control that has been used is the one that doesn’t permit to put text at the textboxes that should contain numbers. In this case the following message "Invalid value entered for patientID ,it must be number"