
Trac Permissions

Trac uses a simple, case sensitive, permission system to control what users can and can't access.

Permissions are managed using the trac-admin tool or the General / Permissions panel in the Admin tab of the web interface.

In addition to the default permission policy described in this page, it is possible to activate additional permission policies by enabling plugins and listing them in [trac] permission_policies. See TracFineGrainedPermissions for more details.

Non-authenticated users accessing the system are assigned the name anonymous. Assign permissions to the anonymous user to set privileges for anonymous/guest users. The parts of Trac that a user does not have privileges for will not be displayed in the navigation bar. In addition to these privileges, users can be granted additional individual rights in effect when authenticated and logged into the system. All logged in users belong to the virtual group authenticated, which inherits permissions from anonymous.

Graphical Admin Tab

To access this tab, a user must have one of the following permissions: TRAC_ADMIN, PERMISSION_ADMIN, PERMISSION_GRANT, PERMISSION_REVOKE. The permissions can be granted using the trac-admin command with a more detailed description below:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob TRAC_ADMIN

Then, the user bob will be able to see the Admin tab, and can access the permissions menu. This menu allows you to perform the following actions, but from the browser rather than requiring root access to the server. Use at least one lowercase character in user names, as all-uppercase names are reserved for permissions.




From the graphical admin tab, users with PERMISSION_GRANT will only be allowed to grant permissions that they possess, and users with PERMISSION_REVOKE will only be allowed to revoke permissions that they possess. For example, a user cannot grant MILESTONE_ADMIN unless they have PERMISSION_GRANT and MILESTONE_ADMIN, and they cannot revoke MILESTONE_ADMIN unless they have PERMISSION_REVOKE and MILESTONE_ADMIN. PERMISSION_ADMIN just grants the user both PERMISSION_GRANT and PERMISSION_REVOKE, and users with TRAC_ADMIN can grant or revoke any permission.

Available Privileges

To enable all privileges for a user, use the TRAC_ADMIN permission. This permission is like being root on a *NIX system: it will allow you to perform any operation on Trac.

Otherwise, individual privileges can be assigned to users for the different functional areas of Trac and note that the privilege names are uppercase:

Repository Browser

BROWSER_VIEW View directory listings in the repository browser
FILE_VIEW View files in the repository browser
CHANGESET_VIEW View repository check-ins
LOG_VIEW View revision logs of files and directories in the repository browser

Ticket System

TICKET_VIEW View existing tickets and perform ticket queries
TICKET_CREATE Create new tickets
TICKET_APPEND Add comments and attachments to tickets, and edit description of ticket that the user created
TICKET_CHGPROP Modify ticket properties (priority, assignment, keywords, etc.) with the following exceptions: edit description of tickets created by others, add/remove other users from cc field when logged in
TICKET_MODIFY Includes both TICKET_APPEND and TICKET_CHGPROP, and in addition allows resolving tickets in the default workflow. Tickets can be assigned to users through a drop-down list when the list of possible owners has been restricted.
TICKET_EDIT_CC Full modify cc field
TICKET_EDIT_DESCRIPTION Modify description field. User with TICKET_APPEND or TICKET_CHGPROP can modify description of ticket they created.
TICKET_EDIT_COMMENT Modify another user's comments. Any user can modify their own comments by default.
TICKET_BATCH_MODIFY Batch modify tickets
TICKET_ADMIN All TICKET_* permissions, deletion of ticket attachments and modification of the reporter field, which grants ability to create a ticket on behalf of another user and it will appear that another user created the ticket. It also allows managing ticket properties through the web administration module.


MILESTONE_VIEW View milestones and assign tickets to milestones.
MILESTONE_CREATE Create new milestones
MILESTONE_MODIFY Modify milestones
MILESTONE_DELETE Delete milestones
ROADMAP_VIEW View the roadmap page, which is not yet the same as MILESTONE_VIEW, see #4292
ROADMAP_ADMIN To be removed with #3022, replaced by MILESTONE_ADMIN


REPORT_VIEW View reports, i.e. the View Tickets link.
REPORT_SQL_VIEW View the SQL query of a report
REPORT_CREATE Create new reports
REPORT_MODIFY Modify reports
REPORT_DELETE Delete reports
REPORT_ADMIN All REPORT_* permissions

Wiki System

WIKI_VIEW View wiki pages
WIKI_CREATE Create new wiki pages
WIKI_MODIFY Modify wiki pages
WIKI_RENAME Rename wiki pages
WIKI_DELETE Delete wiki pages and attachments
WIKI_ADMIN All WIKI_* permissions, plus the management of readonly pages.


PERMISSION_GRANT add/grant a permission
PERMISSION_REVOKE remove/revoke a permission


TIMELINE_VIEW View the timeline page
SEARCH_VIEW View and execute search queries
CONFIG_VIEW Enables additional sections on About Trac that show the current configuration and the list of installed plugins
EMAIL_VIEW Shows email addresses even if trac show_email_addresses configuration option is false

Attachment Permissions

Attachment permissions are handled by LegacyAttachmentPolicy, and unlike the permissions discussed so far, the permissions provided by LegacyAttachmentPolicy are not directly granted. Rather, the ability to create, view and delete attachments is determined by the attachment's parent realm and permissions that the user possesses for that realm.

The attachment actions are determined by the following permissions in the ticket, wiki and milestone realms:

Granted By: Ticket Wiki Milestone

An authenticated user can delete an attachment they added without possessing the permission that grants ATTACHMENT_DELETE.

If explicit attachment permissions are preferred, then ATTACHMENT_CREATE, ATTACHMENT_DELETE and ATTACHMENT_VIEW can be created using the ExtraPermissionsProvider. The simplest implementation is to simply define the actions:


An alternative configuration adds an ATTACHMENT_ADMIN meta-permission that grants the other 3 permissions:


The explicit permissions can be used in conjunction with LegacyAttachmentPolicy, or LegacyAttachmentPolicy can be removed from permission_policies, in which case only users that have been explicitly granted the corresponding attachment actions will be able to create, delete and view attachments.

Granting Privileges

Privileges are granted to users through trac-admin. The current set of privileges can be listed with the following command:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission list

This command will allow the user bob to delete reports:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob REPORT_DELETE

The permission add command also accepts multiple privilege names:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob REPORT_DELETE WIKI_CREATE

Or add all privileges:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob TRAC_ADMIN

Permission Groups

There are two built-in groups, authenticated and anonymous. Any user who has not logged in is automatically in the anonymous group. Any user who has logged in is also in the authenticated group. The authenticated group inherits permissions from the anonymous group. For example, if the anonymous group has permission WIKI_MODIFY, it is not necessary to add the WIKI_MODIFY permission to the authenticated group as well.

Custom groups may be defined that inherit permissions from the two built-in groups.

Permissions can be grouped together to form roles such as developer, admin, etc.

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add developer WIKI_ADMIN
$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add developer REPORT_ADMIN
$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add developer TICKET_MODIFY
$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob developer
$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add john developer

Group membership can be checked by doing a permission list with no further arguments; the resulting output will include group memberships. Use at least one lowercase character in group names, as all-uppercase names are reserved for permissions.

Adding a New Group and Permissions

Permission groups can be created by assigning a user to a group you wish to create, then assign permissions to that group.

The following will add bob to the new group called beta_testers and then will assign WIKI_ADMIN permissions to that group. Thus, bob will inherit the WIKI_ADMIN permission.

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add bob beta_testers
$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission add beta_testers WIKI_ADMIN

Removing Permissions

Permissions can be removed using the 'remove' command.

This command will prevent the user bob from deleting reports:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission remove bob REPORT_DELETE

Just like permission add, this command accepts multiple privilege names.

You can also remove all privileges for a specific user:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission remove bob '*'

Or one privilege for all users:

$ trac-admin /path/to/projenv permission remove '*' REPORT_ADMIN

Creating New Privileges

To create custom permissions, for example to be used in a custom workflow, enable the optional tracopt.perm.config_perm_provider.ExtraPermissionsProvider component in the "Plugins" admin panel, and add the desired permissions to the [extra-permissions] section in your trac.ini. For more information, please refer to the documentation on the TracIni page after enabling the component.

Default Permissions

By default on a new Trac installation, the anonymous user has view access to everything in Trac, but is not able to create or modify anything. The authenticated user has the permissions to create and modify tickets and wiki pages.





See also: TracAdmin, TracFineGrainedPermissions

Last modified 5 months ago Last modified on 05/15/24 18:30:27
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.